Couture Angels


The Couture Angels all started when…

After launching the Couture Tarot in 2020, I took a break from doing collage art. It took me a few years to find my inspiration again. I played with different ideas, but nothing took hold. Then one day, I was experimenting with images from a book on ancient Greek sculpture, and, low and behold, something began to come through. It was revelatory, an infusion of energy and images came to life. They were angels.

I’m not an expert on Angels. Although I am fascinated by them and they sometimes come through in my clairvoyant sessions. I’m also not attached to any religion, my relationship with the Divine has always been a combination of different spiritual worlds and philosophies. I also believe that angels transcend the boundaries of traditional religion.

And so, I present the Couture Angels! “Couture” again, because the main material for my collaging came, once again, from my favorite source—fashion magazines. I loved combining the timeless imagery of Greek sculpture with current fashion. I tried to capture each angel’s essence and clothed them accordingly.

Part of my intention with the Couture Angels, besides the great joy of sharing my inspirations, is to offer a connection to the wisdom, grace and solace that the angelic realm may bring.

These twelve angels are the first batch of 33 angels, with the intention of becoming a deck of Angel Oracle Cards.

The 12 Couture Angels

Angel of Communication

Gabriel is the angel to turn to when there’s an important message you want to deliver to the world. Whether through writing or verbal communication, they will assist you in finding the right words. Gabriel also brings messages to you, revealing knowledge and insight. Call upon Gabriel for more confidence in your decisions and communication.


Angel of Music

Patron angel of musicians and composers, Sandalphon delivers messages through music and song, knowing that music connects us to the celestial spheres. Call upon Sandalphon when you need more harmony and joy. Then, pay attention to any words or songs that play in your mind. They could be the answer to your prayers.